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Meeting James – Chapter 5: James returns and changes his relationship with Melanie.Meeting James – Chapter 6: James and Melanie Explore Sin City.Meeting James – Chapter 7: Melanie and Flame continue their evening together.Giving Jen The Freedom To Live – Chapter 1A.Giving Jen The Freedom To Live – Chapter 1B.My Wife fucked a young soldier the same age as our son – by JSipes7798.My Halloween party at the Mortuary – by VampirTARA.Watching Him Fuck Our Daughter – by blueheatt.My first time with a dog – by shawnababy.Mum 1 – First time with Mum – by Fatman50.Christmas Cruise – Chapter 1 – by GSpot69.

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Vicki Tries a New Cock – chapter 1 – by Dukebolla.

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